A new case study shows dramatic growth in math ability at a Title I school...
Ideas to Grow Your Math Classroom
The Symphony Buzz
Title I Students Succeed
with Symphony Math
Guided Practice

During the 2016-17 school year, we were approached by a Title I school in Barnstable, Massachusetts, who was using Symphony Math® with their students and seeing 'great results.' This fall, when their state test results corroborated in-school testing, it was apparent that the implementation of Symphony Math had contibuted to dramatic growth in math ability. Available now, we have documented their story in a new case study: Title I Students Succeed Using Symphony Math.


The results at the Barnstable Community Horace Mann Public Charter School (BCHMPCS) speak for themselves. Student performance in grades 1-3 rose dramatically on the independent STAR 360® math assessement, almost eliminating the bottom two performance tiers:

The Symphony Buzz

On the state test, third grade students outperformed their peers within the district and the state, and the percentage of students NOT meeting expectations was much lower as well:

The Symphony Buzz
The Symphony Buzz
Good Tools and Hard Work
Guided Practice

Success doesn't happen without commitment to excellence and a lot of hard work. The combination of administrative support, staff buy-in, and consistent use were important factors that contributed to student growth. The math specialist at the school continually worked with staff and students during the year, using data from the Symphony Dashboard to find struggling students and provide appropriate interventions.

Guided Practice

According to Catherine Hamilton-Milne, the math specialist at BCHMPCS:

"We started using Symphony Math as a way to identify and support at-risk students. But we found that, as the year went on, we were able to help so many more students than we originally intended. And, as teachers began to see the results, they expanded the use of the program from an isolated intervention to a tool that really improved their math classrooms."

Our Continued Promise to You

We have designed Symphony Math to help grow your math classroom. Have a feature you would like to see? Let us know! Need help? Reach out to us at any time.

And don't forget to share! If you have examples or ideas that are helpful, use #symphonymath on Twitter.

And that's the Buzz: Enjoy your week!
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