Instructional Program

Sample tasks from Stage 3, Level 1: Addition to 5, Missing Whole

Support Students Who Need Help in Math

The best practices in developmental psychology and cognitive science are the cornerstones of Symphony Math®. Our uniquely designed delivery methods ensure that students – regardless of learning styles or knowledge levels – fully grasp fundamental mathematical ideas, even for difficult-to-explain and abstract concepts. The result is a solid foundation for acquiring higher math skills, as well as a positive learning experience. The primary elements in the Symphony Math® approach, which cover Common Core Math standards in grades K-5, include:

Conceptual Sequences of the Most Important Mathematical Ideas

A tightly connected progression forms the conceptual sequence of Symphony Math®. These underlying “big ideas” provide the foundation for mathematical learning. As students master each big idea before moving on to the next, they learn to succeed with more complicated math later on.

Mathematical Topic Underlying Big Idea
Sequencing, Number Quantity
Addition and Subtraction Parts-to-whole
Place Value Hierarchical grouping
Multiplication and Division Repeated equal grouping
Multi-digit Addition and Subtraction Hierarchical grouping coordinated with parts-to-whole
Fractions Repeated equal grouping coordinated with parts-to-whole

Multiple Ways of Knowing

Six distinct activity environments provide multiple representations of each concept and integrate with the conceptual sequence.

Activity Purpose
Manipulatives Conceptually understand what the concept “looks like”
Manipulatives & Symbols Explicitly connect symbols to visual representations
Symbols Understand concepts at abstract levels
Auditory Sentences Learn the formal language of math
Story Problems Apply learning to real life problem solving
Mastery Round Develop immediate recall of number relationships

Adaptive Learning Engine

Students’ path through the Symphony Math® program is adjusted during each session of use. As students show mastery, they move quickly to new material. When they demonstrate a need for more practice, they more more deliberately through content, going through all available visual models and moving from concrete to abstract representations.

The dynamic branching of Symphony Math allows students to learn at their own levels. As the program illuminates an area of need, progress slows until the student achieves the necessary understanding. Students will move in and out of different branching modes as they work through the program. If they are challenged, and remain in a Focus Group for multiple attempts, they will be flagged in the ‘HELP’ data view on your Symphony Dashboard.

Try Some Sample Tasks!

Sequencing (Kindergarten)

Dot Cards
Number Bars
Number Line

Parts to Whole: Addition (Grade 1)

Dot Cards
Number Bars
Number Line

Repeated Addition: Foundations of Multiplication (Grade 2)

Number Line
Number Bars
Number Line

Intro to Fractions (Grade 3)

Fraction Strip
Unit Fraction
Adding Fractions
Number Line

Expanded Mode Multiplication (Grade 4)

Grid Model
Models and Symbols
Models and Symbols II