Scope and Sequence

Stage Concept Standard Example
1 The Number Sequence K 1,2,3,4,?
1.1 Sequencing K.CC.4 1,2,3,4,?
1.2 Identifying Numbers K.CC.3 Find ’3′
1.3 Counting Forward K.CC.2 4,5,6,?
1.4 Counting Backward K.CC.2 7,6,5,?
Stage Concept Standard Example
2 More/Less/Same K Find ’1′ more than 6.
2.1 Find ‘One More’ K.CC.5 Find ’1′ more than 6.
2.2 Find ‘One Less’ K.CC.4 Find ’1′ less than 5.
2.3 Find ‘More’ K.CC.5 Find ‘Taller.’
2.4 Find ‘Less’ K.CC.4 Find ‘Less’.
2.5 Same K.CC.6 4 = ?
Stage Concept Standard Example
3 Add & Subtract to 5 K 3 + 2 = ?
3.1 Beginning Addition: Missing Result K.OA.2 3 + 2 = ?
3.2 Beginning Addition: Missing Change K.OA.2 ? + 1 = 5
3.3 Beginning Subtraction: Missing Result K.OA.2 5 – 1 = ?
3.4 Beginning Subtraction: Missing Change K.OA.2 4 – 2 = ?
3.5 Adding 0 and 1 K.OA.5 6 + 0 = ?
3.6 Subtracting 0 and 1 K.OA.5 7 – 1 = ?
3.7 Commutative Property K.OA.2 7 + 1 = 1 + ?
Stage Concept Standard Example
4 Ten as a Unit K 8 + 2 = ?
4.1 Introducing 10 K.OA.4 8 + 2 = ?
4.2 Making 10 K.OA.4 ? + 7 = 10
4.3 10 Plus K.OA.4 10 + 3 = ?
4.4 Subtracting with 10 K.OA.4 10 – 4 = ?
Stage Concept Standard Example
5 Comparing Numbers K ? = 13
5.1 Equals K.CC.7 ? = 13
5.2 Greater Than K.CC.7 8 > ?
5.3 Less Than K.CC.7 8 < ?
Stage Concept Standard Example
6 Add & Subtract to 20 1 6 + 8 = ?
6.1 Advanced Addition: Missing Result 1.OA.1 6 + 8 = ?
6.2 Advanced Addition: Missing Change 1.OA.2 6 + ? = 14
6.3 Advanced Subtraction: Missing Result 1.OA.2 18 – 9 = ?
6.4 Advanced Subtraction: Missing Change 1.OA.1 18 – ? = 9
6.5 Fact Families 1.OA.3 3 + 5, 5 + 3, 8 – 3, 8 – 5
6.6 Three-part Addition & Subtraction 1.OA.3 14 = 8 + ? + 4
Stage Concept Standard Example
7 Tens 1 Create ’80.’
7.1 Identifying 10s 1.NBT.2 Create ’80.’
7.2 Ordering 10s 1.NBT.2 20, 30, 40, ?
7.3 Counting Backward by 10s 1.NBT.2 70, 60, 50, ?
7.4 Find ‘Ten More’ 1.NBT.5 Make ’10 more’ than 50.
7.5 Find ‘Ten Less’ 1.NBT.5 Make ’10 less’ than 40.
7.6 Related 1s and 10s 2.NBT.5 20 + 50 = ?
7.7 Combinations of 100 1.NBT.4 100 = 30 + ?
7.8 Add/Subtract Teens and Ones 1.OA.6 12 + 5 = ?
7.9 Compare Tens 1.NBT.3 30 ? 50
Stage Concept Standard Example
8 Add & Subtract with 10s 1 20 + 3 = ?
8.1 Place Value Addition: Missing Result 1.OA.8 20 + 3 = ?
8.2 Place Value Addition: Missing Change 1.NBT.4 20 +? = 23
8.3 Place Value Subtraction: Missing Result 1.OA.4 23 – 3 = ?
8.4 Place Value Subtraction: Missing Change 1.OA.8 23 – ? = 20
8.5 Part-Whole with 1s and 10s 2.NBT.5 56 = 20 + ? +?
8.6 Part-Whole with 1s and 10s (+10) 1.NBT.5 69 + 10 = ?
8.7 Part-Whole with 1s and 10s (-10) 1.NBT.5 56 -10 = ?
8.8 Adding With Multiples of 10 (No Regroup) 1.NBT.4 37 + 40 = ?
8.9 Compare Two-Digit Numbers 1.NBT.3 67 ? 82
Stage Concept Standard Example
9 Hundreds 2 Make ‘700.’
9.1 Identifying 100s 2.NBT.1 Make ‘700.’
9.2 Ordering 100s 2.NBT.2 200, 300, 400, ?
9.3 Counting Backward by 100s 2.NBT.2 700, 600, 500, ?
9.4 Find ‘100 More’ 2.NBT.2 Make ‘100 more’ than 400.
9.5 Find ‘100 Less’ 2.NBT.2 Make ‘100 less’ than 600.
9.6 Related 1s, 10s, 100s 2.MD.6 2 + 5, 20 + 50, 200 + 500
9.7 Add/Subtract Hundreds and Tens 2.MD.6 730 + 50 = ?
9.8 Compare Hundreds 2.NBT.4 300 ? 500
Stage Concept Standard Example
10 Add & Subtract with 100s 2 200 + 30 = ?
10.1 Place Value Addition: Missing Result 2.NBT.7 200 + 30 = ?
10.2 Place Value Addition: Missing Change 2.MD.6 200 + ? = 230
10.3 Place Value Subtraction: Missing Result 2.NBT.7 230 – 30 = ?
10.4 Place Value Subtraction: Missing Change 2.MDF.6 230 – ? = 200
10.5 Part to Whole (1s,10s,100s) 2.NBT.1 563 = ? + 30 + ?
10.6 Part-Whole: 1s, 10s, and 100s (+100) 2.NBT.8 692 + 100 = ?
10.7 Part-Whole: 1s, 10s, and 100s (-100) 2.NBT.8 564 – 100 = ?
10.8 Compare Three-Digit Numbers 2.NBT.4 697 ? 903
Stage Concept Standard Example
11 Foundations for Multiplication 2 2, 4, 6, ?, ?
11.1 Skip Counting 2.NBT.2 2, 4, 6, ?, ?
11.2 Adding 2s, 3s, and 4s 2.OA.4 3+3+3+3+3=?
11.3 Equal Groupings 2.OA.4 ‘Create 4 groups of 2’
Stage Concept Standard Example
12 Regrouping with 2 and 3 digits 2 19 + 5 = 20 + ?
12.1 Regrouping with 1 and 2 Digits 2.OA.1 19 + 5 = 20 + ?
12.2 Regrouping to 100 2.NBT.5 47 + 19 = 60 + ?
12.3 Regrouping with 2 Digits: Subtraction 2.NBT.5 33 – 5 = 20 + ?
12.4 Regrouping with 2 Digits: Missing Change 2.NBT.5 39 + ? = 60 + 8
12.5 Regrouping with 2 Digits: Subtraction, Missing Change 2.NBT.5 71 – ? = 50 + 7
Stage Concept Standard Example
13 Multiplication and Division 3 2 x 4 = ?
13.1 Intro to Multiplication: Missing Product 3.OA.1 2 x 4 = ?
13.2 Intro to Multiplication: Unknown Number of Groups 3.OA.3 ? x 2 = 12
13.3 Intro to Multiplication: Size of Group Unknown 3.OA.4 2 x ? = 20
13.4 Intro to Division 3.OA.2 12 ÷ 3 = ?
13.5 Intro to Missing Dividend 3.OA.4 ? ÷ 5 = 2
13.6 Intro to Missing Divisor 3.OA.6 10 ÷ ? = 2
Stage Concept Standard Example
14 Introduction to Fractions 3 2/2 = 1, 3/3 = ?
14.1 Dividing a Whole 3.NF.1 Create ‘Thirds’
14.2 Creating Unit Fractions 3.NF.2 Make 1/4
14.3 Creating Non-Unit Fractions 3.NF.2 1/4 + 1/4 =
14.4 Whole Numbers as Fractions 3.NF.3c 6 = 6/?
14.5 Comparing Fractions 3.NF.3d 1/2 ? 1/3
14.6 Equivalent Fractions 3.NF.3a 1/2 = 2/4
Stage Concept Standard Example
15 Multiply and Divide to 100 3 5 x 12 = ?
15.1 Multiplication to 100 3.OA.3 5 x 12 = ?
15.2 Multiplication to 100: Missing Groups 3.OA.3 ? x 12 = 60
15.3 Multiplication to 100: Missing Groups II 3.OA.4 12 x ? =60
15.4 Division to 100 3.OA.4 42 ÷ 7 = ?
15.5 Division to 100: Missing Dividend 3.OA.6 ? ÷ 6 = 7
15.6 Division to 100: Missing Divisor 3.OA.6 42 ÷ ? = 6
15.7 Multiplication to 100: Commutative Property 3.OA.5 14 x 6 = 6 x 14
15.8 Multiplication to 100: Distributive Property 3.OA.5 10 x 3 + 5 x 3 = 45
Stage Concept Standard Example
16 Multiply & Divide with 1/10/100 3 1 x 7, 10 x 7, 100 x 7
16.1 Multiply by 1, 10, 100: Missing Result 4.NBT.1 1 x 7, 10 x 7, 100 x 7
16.2 Multiply by 1, 10, 100: Missing Factor 4.NBT.1 ? x 8, ? x 80, ? x 800
16.3 Divide by 1, 10, 100: Missing Result 4.NBT.1 8 ÷ 1, 80 ÷ 10, 800 ÷ 100
16.4 Divide by 1, 10. 100: Missing Divisor 3.OA.7 9 ÷ ?, 90 ÷ ?, 900 ÷ ?
16.5 Multiplying 1s and 10s 3.NBT.3 7 x 60 = ?
Stage Concept Standard Example
17 Add & Subtract Unit Fractions 4 1/2 = ?/8
17.1 Equivalent Fractions 4.NF.1 1/2 = ?/8
17.2 Comparing Fractions 4.NF.2 3/5 ? 4/7
17.3 Addition with Unit Fractions: Missing Result 4.NF.3a 1/4 + 1/4 = ?
17.4 Addition with Unit Fractions: Missing Change 4.NF.3a 1/4 + ? = 2/4
17.5 Subtraction with Fractions: Missing Result 4.NF.3a 3/4 – 1/4 = ?
17.6 Subtraction with Fractions: Missing Change 4.NF.3a 3/4 – ? = 1/4
Stage Concept Standard Example
18 Non-Unit Fractions 4 2/5 + 3/5 = ?
18.1 Addition with Non Unit Fractions: Missing Result 4.NF.3b 2/5 + 3/5 = ?
18.2 Addition with Non Unit Fractions: Missing Change 4.NF.3b 2/6 + ? = 5/6
18.3 Subtraction with Non-Unit Fractions: Missing Result 4.NF.3b 3/3 – 2/3 = ?
18.4 Subtraction with Non Unit Fractions: Missing Change 4.NF.3b 7/8 – ? = 3/8
Stage Concept Standard Example
19 Decimals 4 0.4, 0.5, ?, 0.7
19.1 Sequencing Decimals 4.NF.5 0.4, 0.5, ?, 0.7
19.2 Identifying Decimals 4.NF.5 Find ‘36 hundredths.’
19.3 Equivalence with 10ths and 100ths 4.NF.6 3/10 = ?/100
19.4 Addition with 10ths and 100ths 4.NF.6 3/10 + 6/100 = ?
19.5 Decimal Notation for 10ths and 100ths 4.NF.6 52/100 = ?
19.6 Comparing Decimal Numbers 4.NF.7 0.76 ? 0.8
Stage Concept Standard Example
20 Fractions Greater Than 1 Whole 4 Make ‘3/2’
20.1 Composing Fractions Greater Than 1 Whole 4.NF.3c Make ‘3/2’
20.2 Composing Mixed Numbers 4.NF.3c Make ‘2 1/3’
20.3 Decomposing Fractions Greater Than 1 Whole 4.NF.3c 5/3 = 2/3 + ?
20.4 Decomposing Mixed Numbers 4.NF.3b 2 1/3 = 3/3 + ?
Stage Concept Standard Example
21 Standard Algorithm: Addition and Subtraction 4 368 + 848 = ?
21.1 2-digit and 1-digit Addition 4.NBT.4 87 + 9 = ?
21.2 2-digit and 1-digit Subtraction 4.NBT.4 87 – 9 = ?
21.3 2-digit and 2-digit Addition 4.NBT.4 58 + 67 = ?
21.4 2-digit and 2-digit Subtraction 4.NBT.4 82 – 59 = ?
21.5 3-digit and 3-digit Addition 4.NBT.4 368 + 848 = ?
21.6 3-digit and 3-digit Subtraction 4.NBT.4 848 – 368 = ?
21.7 3-Part Addition with Mixed Digits 4.NBT.4 368 + 7 + 56 = ?
21.8 4-digit Subtraction 4.NBT.4 1,470 – 258 = ?
Stage Concept Standard Example
22 Expanded Mode Multiplication and Division 4 26 x 68 = ?
22.1 1-Digit x 2-digit 4.NBT.5 7 x 18 = ?
22.2 Division with Remainders 4.NBT.6 25 ÷ 8 = ? R ?
22.3 1-Digit x 3-Digits 4.NBT.5 8 x 106 = ?
22.4 Division Missing Factor and Divisor 4.NBT.6 102 ÷ 17 = ?
22.5 2-Digits x 2-Digits 4.NBT.5 26 x 21 = ?
Stage Concept Standard Example
23 Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers 5 1/4 x 32 = ?
23.1 Whole Numbers x Unit Fractions 5.NF.4 1/4 x 32 = ?
23.2 Whole Numbers x Non-Unit Fractions 5.NF.4 5 x 3/5 = ?
23.3 Fractions x Whole Numbers: Missing Part 5.NF.4 2/3 x ? = 18
Stage Concept Standard Example
24 Magnitude and Place Value 5 7.01 x 100 = ?
24.1 Multiply by 10, 100, and 1000 5.NBT.1 7.01 x 100 = ?
24.2 Multiply by 1/10 and 1/100 5.NBT.1 392 x 1/100= ?
24.3 Divide by 10 and 100 5.NBT.1 35.6 ÷ 10= ?
Stage Concept Standard Example
25 Decimals to Thousandths 5 4.09 + 3.4 = ?
25.1 Decimal Notation 5.NBT.3 2×100 + 3×1 + 5x(1/10)
25.2 Add and Subtract Decimals 5.NBT.7 4.09 + 3.4 = ?
25.3 Decimal Comparison 5.NBT.3 3.56 ? 3.5
Stage Concept Standard Example
26 Expanded Mode *÷ with Decimals 5 7 x 0.5 = ?
26.1 1-Digit x Decimals 5.NBT.5 7 x 0.5 = ?
26.2 3-Digit x Decimals 5.NBT.6 134 x 0.8 = ?
26.3 Division with Decimals 5.NBT.5 18 ÷ 0.9 = ?
26.4 Decimal x Decimal 5.NBT.6 2.6 x 4.5 = ?
Fact Fluency Prerequisite Concept Stage Description Standard Example
Round 1 Stage 4 Add & Subtract Within 5 K.OA.5 1 + 2 = ? (timed)
Round 2 Stage 4 Add & Subtract Within 5 (Missing Change) K.OA.5 1 + ? = 3 (timed)
Round 3 Stage 5 Add & Subtract Within 10 1.OA.6 2 + 8 = ? (timed)
Round 4 Stage 5 Add & Subtract Within 10(Missing Change) 1.OA.6 2 + ? = 10 (timed)
Round 5 Stage 7 Add & Subtract Within 20 2.OA.2 8 + 9 = ? (timed)
Round 6 Stage 7 Add & Subtract Within 20 (Missing Change) 2.OA.2 8 + ? = 17 (timed)
Round 7 Stage 10 Add & Subtract Within 200 3.NBT.2 160 + 50 = ? (timed)
Round 8 Stage 10 Add & Subtract Within 200 (Missing Change) 3.NBT.2 160 + ? = 210 (timed)
Round 9 Stage 14 Multiply & Divide Within 30 3.OA.7 3 x 8 = ? (timed)
Round 10 Stage 16 Multiply & Divide Within 100 3.OA.7 9 x 8 = ? (timed)
Round 11 Stage 17 Multiply & Divide With Place Value 4.NBT.4 80 x 4 = ? (timed)
Stage Skill Area Standard
27 Number and Operations in Base Ten 5.NBT
27.1 Powers of Ten 5.NBT.A.1-2
27.2 Place Value and Decimals


27.3 Operations with Larger Numbers 5.NBT.B.5-7
Stage Skill Area Standard
28 Number and Operations: Fractions 5.NF
28.1 Equivalent Fractions Operations 5.NF.A.1-2
28.2 Multiply and Divide Fractions 5.NF.B.3-5
28.3 Applying Fraction Operations (X÷) 5.NF.B.6-7
Stage Skill Area Standard
29 Operations and Algebraic Thinking 5.OA
29.1 Numerical Expressions 5.OA.1-2
Stage Skill Area Standard
30 Measurement and Data 5.MD
30.1 Conversions and Data Interpretation 5.MD.A.1, B.2
30.2 Concepts of Volume 5.MD.C.3-4
Stage Skill Area Standard
31 Geometry 5.G
31.1 The Coordinate Plane 5.G.A.1-2
31.2 Classification of 2-D Figures 5.G.B.3-4
Stage Skill Area Standard
32 The Number System 6.NS
32.1 Dividing Fractions 6.NS.A.1
32.2 Common Factors and Multiples 6.NS.B.2-4
32.3 Rational Numbers 6.NS.C.5-8
Stage Skill Area Standard
33 Expressions and Equations 6.EE
33.1 Algebraic Expressions I 6.EE.A.1-2
33.2 Algebraic Expressions II 6.EE.B.3-4
33.3 Equations and Inequalities 6.EE.B.5-9
Stage Skill Area Standard
34 Ratio and Proportions 6.RP
34.1 Ratios 6.RP.A.1-3
Stage Skill Area Standard
35 Geometry 6.G
35.1 Surface Area and Volume 6.G.A.1-4
Stage Skill Area Standard
36 Statistics and Probability 6.SP
36.1 Understanding Statistics 6.SP.A.1-3
Stage Skill Area Standard
37 The Number System 7.NS
37.1 Operations with Rational Numbers 7.NS.A.1-3
Stage Skill Area Standard
38 Expressions and Equations 7.EE
38.1 Creating Equivalent Expressions 7.EE.A.1-2
38.2 Using Numerical and Algebraic Equations 7.EE.B.3-4
Stage Skill Area Standard
39 Ratio and Proportions 7.RP
39.1 Solving with Proportional Relationships 7.RP.A.1-3
Stage Skill Area Standard
40 Geometry 7.G
40.1 Construct and Describe Geometrical Figures 7.G.A.1-3
40.2 Using Angles, Area, Surface Area, and Volume 7.G.B/C.4-9
Stage Skill Area Standard
41 Statistics and Probability 7.SP
41.1 Random Sampling of Populations 7.SP.A.1-2
41.2 Informal Comparative Inferences 7.SP.B.3-8