Our teachers are very excited about (Symphony Math’s reports) once they learn what is there.
From our most learning challenged student in math (I think the student is at around the third grade level) to the most gifted in math, Symphony Math provided appropriate challenge, review, and support.
Using Symphony Math has contributed to growth and achievement in every grade level in our district. Last year, every grade in every school improved their {state test} scores. I am convinced this improvement was due in part to our focused use of Symphony Math.
It’s an excellent program because it starts each child at a foundational level and adjusts instruction to scaffold learning and meet the individual needs of each student… I’d recommend Symphony Math for all elementary aged students.
I have been excited by the gains my students have made. The kindergarten students really understand the basic concepts. The program allows the student to progress at his own developmental rate.
We have been extremely pleased with how Symphony Math has allowed us to further engage our students in their own mathematical learning. In addition, the program has provided our teachers with valuable information about their student’s understanding that has allowed them to better target the needs of our students in their classroom instruction.
It’s so refreshing to work with you and Symphony Math. I really appreciate your dedication to education.
I have thoroughly enjoyed Symphony Math. I believe it is a good program that helps students. I have seen firsthand the learning gaps that have been bridged with this program.
Within a week of using SM, not only had my students’ interest and participation soar during our math workshops, but with its video game-like appeal, Speed Rounds, and multi-leveled game boards, the Symphony Math programs kept my students engaged, and gave them the opportunity to develop a mathematical skill set at their own pace.
After implementing the Symphony Math program into my class’ math sessions, it was not long before the SM station became the star of our math workshop. As an educator who teaches 1st graders of various interests, learning styles, cognitive abilities, sensory levels, and language abilities, it is very important to find time-sensitive supplementary resources that can deepen my students’ understanding of Common Core concepts. With Symphony Math, I found that, and so much more!
Every one of my students improved on their Winter assessment, and we are seeing concepts from Symphony Math transfer to our math classrooms as well. The students love Symphony Math!